How can I boost usage of my ClarityEnglish programs?
You’ve purchased a subscription to Clear Pronunciation for your learners. But when you check your monthly usage statistics, you’re not getting as much usage as you expected. What can you do?
With everything migrating online due to the pandemic, a few institutions have reported a drop in usage that seems counterintuitive. With university language centres and libraries closed, print promotional materials such as bookmarks, posters and leaflets aren’t effective - and your learners may not know that they have access to these great materials.
We’ve created a number of social media promotion materials to allow you to promote the programs in your subscription and let your learners know how your ClarityEnglish programs can help them, and how to get started.
Here are a couple of examples of the ready-to-use social media posts that are available for Clear Pronunciation 1 (Sounds):
Social Media Post:
Avoid confusion. Learn to speak clearly, with confidence, with Clear Pronunciation now. Get started here: {insert your institution’s access link}
Social Media Post:
Listen, record, compare, improve. The best way to improve your pronunciation is by practising. With Clear Pronunciation, you can listen to native speakers, record yourself, compare the two, and improve your pronunciation. Build your confidence practising alone, and you will feel more confident speaking with others. Try it out now: {insert your institution’s access link}
We currently have created a range of social media posts for Clear Pronunciation 1 and Road to IELTS. You can download them by clicking the buttons below:
Over the next few months, social media promotional materials will be available for more of our programs. We will keep updating this page to add download links as they are ready. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions!